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Legal Representation at Property Seizure Hearings
Forfeiture is the loss of property through government seizure due to violation of the law. Under various state and federal laws, assets including money and property can be seized by the government if it is believed they were obtained through criminal activities. Forfeiture cases include porperty and asset seizure based on convictions for offenses involving white collar crimes; drug trafficking, fraud, embezzlement, racketeering, illegal drug manufacturing; and DUI. RICO laws target organized crime and illegal acquisition of property and assets. A violation of Environmental laws that restrict land use may result in seizure of property. The most well known forfeiture cases involve seizure based on drug crimes. The so-called 'war on drugs' stiffened penalties regarding drug trafficking and manufacturing. Assets can also be taken in connection with criminal cases such as DUI and fraud.
The government must follow various procedures when seizing assets. If these procedures are violated, the seizure can be legally challenged in a hearing. You only have a short period of time following a seizure to request a hearing. It is never too soon to be informed of your rights and have the opportunity to develop an effective strategy in your forfeiture case. If your assets are in danger of being seized, or have already been taken, it is wise to obtain legal counsel as soon as possible. Asset seizure is a civil action that can often be avoided with the help of a professional forfeiture defense lawyer. The Law office of Jonathon Marne can provide confident representation and will work zealously to prevent the loss of property in your forfeiture case. We know how to dispute asset seizures in Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach. Jonathon Marne, Esq. will provide an aggressive forfeiture defense and take whatever legal steps are necessary to protect your rights and fight for the return of your property.
​Assault & Battery​
​​​Bond Hearings​​​
​Drug Crimes​​
​DUI & Traffic​​
​Firearm/Weapons ​​